MCQ Chapter 3 A Snake in the Grass Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. Who is the author of the story A Snake in the Grass?R.K. NarayanRabindranath TagoreMulk Raj AnandSalman RushdieQuestion 1 of 202. What is the central theme of the story?WarFamily unitySuperstitions and humourEducationQuestion 2 of 203. What interrupts the family’s siesta in the story?A snake entering their compoundA fire in the houseA loud explosionA visitor at the doorQuestion 3 of 204. Who informs the family about the snake?The servantA neighborA cyclistThe motherQuestion 4 of 205. How does the family initially react to the news of the snake?CalmlyIndifferentlyWith panic and agitationBy ignoring itQuestion 5 of 206. What does the family accuse Dasa, the servant, of?Stealing their belongingsBeing lazy and neglecting the gardenLying about the snakeNot informing them earlierQuestion 6 of 207. What excuse does Dasa give for not cleaning the garden?He was unwellHe needed a grass cutterHe was busy with other choresThe family didn’t instruct himQuestion 7 of 208. What do the neighbors suggest about the grass cutter?It is very cheap to buyIt is unavailable due to wartime shortagesIt is unnecessaryIt is expensive but worth purchasingQuestion 8 of 209. What statistical data does the college boy share?The number of cobras in IndiaDeaths caused by snakebites annuallyThe price of grass cuttersSnake species found in the areaQuestion 9 of 2010. What does the mother decide to do as a religious duty?Offer milk to the snakePray to the snake godLight a lamp in the gardenDonate money to charityQuestion 10 of 2011. What does the old beggar woman say about the snake?It is dangerous and must be killedIt is a sign of God Subramanya's visitIt will bring bad luckIt is harmless and should be ignoredQuestion 11 of 2012. Who comes to the house after the beggar woman leaves?A snake charmerA policemanA government officialA doctorQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the snake charmer ask the family to do?Pay him in advanceLead him to the snakeKill the snake before calling himKeep the snake in a safe placeQuestion 13 of 2014. What tools do the family members use to search for the snake?Guns and trapsBamboo sticks, knives, and crowbarsShovels and netsStones and ropesQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the outcome of the family’s search for the snake?They find and kill the snakeThey fail to find the snakeThe snake escapes into the houseThe snake charmer catches itQuestion 15 of 2016. How does Dasa claim to have caught the snake?With his bare handsUsing a water potBy trapping it in a netBy hypnotizing itQuestion 16 of 2017. What do the family members think about Dasa after he catches the snake?He is still lazyHe is a heroHe is dishonestHe is luckyQuestion 17 of 2018. What happens just after Dasa leaves with the pot?The snake is seen coming out of the wallThe snake charmer returnsThe garden is set on fireA second snake is foundQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the youngest son wish he had done?Helped Dasa catch the snakeKnocked the pot from Dasa’s handKilled the snake with a stickCalled the snake charmer earlierQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the central irony in the story?The family never actually finds the snakeDasa is rewarded for a task he didn’t performThe snake charmer fails to help themThe snake is harmlessQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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