MCQ Chapter 29 Letter to Cork Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What is the weight capacity of a camel, as per the letter?500 pounds700 pounds1000 pounds1200 poundsQuestion 1 of 202. What is unique about a camel's teeth?They are sharp and pointed.They exist only in the lower jaw.They are covered with enamel.They grow throughout its life.Question 2 of 203. What kind of bunch does a camel have on its back?SingleDoubleTripleNoneQuestion 3 of 204. How are camels loaded with their burdens?While standingWhile lying down on their belliesUsing cranesWhile runningQuestion 4 of 205. What controls the pace of a camel?WhippingVoice of the droverUse of reinsPulling its tailQuestion 5 of 206. What is the color of an elephant’s body, as described?Light greyDarkishBrownWhiteQuestion 6 of 207. What is described as the most peculiar organ of an elephant?LegsTrunkEarsTailQuestion 7 of 208. Which animal's blood is colder than any other creature?CamelElephantRhinocerosWild boarQuestion 8 of 209. Which Indian ruler is mentioned in connection to elephant usage?Mughal emperorsNabobsMarathasBritish governorsQuestion 9 of 2010. How do elephants bury their shed teeth?Under treesIn riversIn the earthIn cavesQuestion 10 of 2011. What was Dean Mahomed’s primary aim in writing the letter?To educate about Indian cultureTo describe the animals of IndiaTo entertain his friendTo criticize animal tradeQuestion 11 of 2012. How many teeth does an elephant have in its mouth, excluding tusks?TwoFourSixEightQuestion 12 of 2013. Which part of the elephant's teeth is most valuable?Male tusksFemale tusksMolarsIncisorsQuestion 13 of 2014. What do camels do when they are tired?Lie down immediatelyKeep movingStop abruptlyRest standingQuestion 14 of 2015. Which animal is described as having scales that resemble squares?CrocodileRhinocerosCamelElephantQuestion 15 of 2016. What is an elephant’s tail compared to in the letter?A ropeA hog's tailA horse's tailA snakeQuestion 16 of 2017. What quality of the camel makes it most useful in eastern territories?Strength and patience under fatigueSpeed and aggressivenessAbility to carry light loads over long distancesEndurance and ferocityQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the author’s observation about the training of elephants?They are trained only for war.They become as obedient as European horses.They are never fully domesticated.Their training is limited to carrying goods.Question 18 of 2019. What role does a tame elephant play in the process of capturing wild ones?It lures the wild ones into traps.It acts as a leader for the captured elephants.It fights the wild elephants.It guards the captured elephants.Question 19 of 2020. What term does the letter use to describe the people who train elephants?TutorsTrainersRidersMahoutsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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