MCQ Chapter 27 Letter to Martha Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What prevents the poet from seeing the stars?Overcast skiesPrison walls and artificial lightsHis cell’s locationLack of windowsQuestion 1 of 202. What does the poet describe as sending delicate rhythms through the flesh?Music from a nearby roomThe motion of cloudsThe fluttering of birdsRainfall on the prison wallsQuestion 2 of 203. What type of imagery does the poet use to describe the birds' movements?Musical imageryVisual imageryTactile imageryOlfactory imageryQuestion 3 of 204. What theme is central to the poem "Letter to Martha"?Family reunionLonging for freedomPolitical revolutionRomantic loveQuestion 4 of 205. How does the poet view the natural elements while in prison?With angerWith detachmentWith awe and wonderWith indifferenceQuestion 5 of 206. What happens to the poet's mind when observing the clouds and birds?It becomes restless.It finds solace and peace.It remembers the past.It grows indifferent.Question 6 of 207. What is described as "cut off by walls of bleak hostility"?The poet’s imaginationA small space of skyThe voices of other prisonersThe sunlightQuestion 7 of 208. What do clichés about the freedom of birds become in prison?PointlessAnnoyingDeeply meaningfulA source of angerQuestion 8 of 209. What makes the poet speculate about the clouds' destination?Their mysterious movementTheir changing colorsTheir rapid disappearanceTheir resemblance to peopleQuestion 9 of 2010. What is absent in the prison environment, as highlighted in the poem?CompassionSoundNatural lightHopeQuestion 10 of 2011. What poetic element is emphasized in the description of the sky as "a small space"?HyperboleJuxtapositionIronyAlliterationQuestion 11 of 2012. What feeling does the poet experience while watching the birds' acrobatics?ConfusionFascinationAnguishDespairQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the effect of prison walls on the poet's view of nature?It makes nature inaccessible.It enhances his appreciation for nature.It makes nature seem hostile.It causes the poet to forget nature.Question 13 of 2014. What has prison life taught the poet about clichés?They are always useless.They gain new meaning in adversity.They are distracting in tough times.They should be avoided in writing.Question 14 of 2015. What does the poet speculate the clouds might do for others?Inspire themProtect them from the sunDelight themThreaten themQuestion 15 of 2016. What kind of movement of the clouds does the poet describe?Slow and deliberateChaotic and unpredictableGraceful and unimpededFrantic and hurriedQuestion 16 of 2017. What do the arcs and fluorescents symbolize in the poem?HopeOppression and artificialityFreedomBeautyQuestion 17 of 2018. Why does the poet turn to imagination in prison?To escape the monotony of prison lifeTo write poetryTo plan his escapeTo remember his familyQuestion 18 of 2019. What literary form does "Letter to Martha" belong to?SonnetEpicLetter-poemLimerickQuestion 19 of 2020. What impact does the graceful motion of clouds have on the poet’s fantasies?It restricts them.It inspires them to flow freely.It grounds them in reality.It diminishes them.Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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