MCQ Chapter 27 Letter to Martha Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. Who is the poet of "Letter to Martha"?Nelson MandelaDennis BrutusChinua AchebeWole SoyinkaQuestion 1 of 202. What is the primary setting of the poem?A battlefieldA prisonA forestA villageQuestion 2 of 203. What do 'clouds' symbolize in the poem?Freedom and imaginationPower and authorityHostility and oppressionFear and lonelinessQuestion 3 of 204. Why are the birds important in the poem?They represent the poet’s family.They symbolize freedom and carefree life.They signify darkness and oppression.They are a source of food for prisoners.Question 4 of 205. What restricts the view of the sky in the prison?Bars on the windowsWalls of bleak hostilityPrison guardsDark cloudsQuestion 5 of 206. What have the 'arcs and fluorescents' blotted out?The moonThe cloudsThe starsThe birdsQuestion 6 of 207. What kind of authority does the poet describe in the prison?FriendlyHostileSupportiveIndifferentQuestion 7 of 208. What activity of the birds does the poet find intriguing?Their silenceTheir acrobatics and aeronauticsTheir nestsTheir songsQuestion 8 of 209. Which literary device is prominent in the description of clouds as a "kind of music, poetry, dance"?SimilePersonificationMetaphorHyperboleQuestion 9 of 2010. What emotions does the poet associate with the motion of the clouds?Despair and griefHope and joyAnger and frustrationIndifference and detachmentQuestion 10 of 2011. The poet wonders where the clouds will ____.DissolveGatherBurst into rainDarken the skyQuestion 11 of 2012. How does the poet perceive clichés about birds' freedom?They are meaningless.They are deeply significant in prison.They are confusing.They are annoying.Question 12 of 2013. What is the effect of the birds’ graceful motion on the poet?It irritates him.It inspires him.It bores him.It frightens him.Question 13 of 2014. Why does the mind turn upwards in prison?To observe the guardsTo escape the bleak environmentTo count the starsTo measure timeQuestion 14 of 2015. What kind of rhythms do the clouds send through the poet’s flesh?Harsh rhythmsDelicate rhythmsMechanical rhythmsChaotic rhythmsQuestion 15 of 2016. What question does the poet ponder about the clouds?Who will paint them?Where will they dissolve?How fast are they moving?Will they cover the sun?Question 16 of 2017. What type of authority is "pressed upon" the poet in the poem?KindIndifferentHostileEncouragingQuestion 17 of 2018. What literary technique is used in "fantasies course easily through the mind"?ImageryAlliterationHyperbolePersonificationQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the poet find meaningful in the birds’ behavior?Their search for foodTheir absolute freedom from careTheir chirping soundsTheir nest-building skillsQuestion 19 of 2020. What does "bleak hostility" refer to?The walls of the prisonThe guards’ behaviorThe poet’s own thoughtsThe weather conditionsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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