MCQ Chapter 25 Unemployment Hope Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. The phrase "knotted and timberless" suggests:Strength and resilienceWeakness and frailtyAmbition and powerYouth and energyQuestion 1 of 202. The poet’s words "loyalism for life" and "starved protest against death" refer to:Acceptance of reality and rebellion against despairDreams and disillusionmentFaith in democracySurvival against oddsQuestion 2 of 203. What does the father’s desire for the "Maharaja dhoti" and "silken Kurta" reveal?Aspirations for material wealthNostalgia for youthFocus on traditionsNeed for status symbolsQuestion 3 of 204. What does the son promise to do with his first month's salary in the poem?Save it for the futureRepay family debtsBuy gifts for his parentsDonate to charityQuestion 4 of 205. In the poem, "Unemployed Hope," who does the son often discuss his salary with?His friendsHis fatherHis motherHis siblingsQuestion 5 of 206. The term "smouldering lead in my eyes" symbolizes:Fire and passionTears and sorrowDetermination and hopeAnger and rebellionQuestion 6 of 207. The father’s response to his son’s aspirations includes:SkepticismSarcasmTender prayer and gratitudeIndifferenceQuestion 7 of 208. How does the poet describe the mother’s speech during her last moments?Clear and boldSilent and emotionalDotted and timberlessAngry and frustratedQuestion 8 of 209. Which of the following is NOT a work by Umeshwar Prasad?Unemployed HopeVirginia Woolf (criticism)Confrontation and Other PoemsThe Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockQuestion 9 of 2010. The phrase "your hands have gone off his head for good" refers to:The son losing his father's guidanceThe father's inability to helpThe father's passing awayA strained father-son relationshipQuestion 10 of 2011. What do "unemployed fancies" in the poem signify?Unachievable dreamsRealistic aspirationsPast achievementsMaterial wealthQuestion 11 of 2012. The son's hopes in the poem are described as:Practical and attainableAmbitious and overconfidentFragile and unrealizedDangerous and rebelliousQuestion 12 of 2013. The poem portrays the unemployed son as being:Determined to fight for his dreamsResigned to his fateEncouraged by societyMotivated by family pressureQuestion 13 of 2014. What kind of democracy is referred to in the poem?A flourishing democracyAn unproviding democracyA corrupt democracyA hopeful democracyQuestion 14 of 2015. The poem’s reference to "fairy salary" implies:A salary that fulfills all dreamsAn unrealistic or imaginary incomeA high-paying jobA minimum wage jobQuestion 15 of 2016. The "tears" of the father in the poem symbolize:Weakness and despairLove and hopeRegret and frustrationAnger and disappointmentQuestion 16 of 2017. The poem's title, "Unemployed Hope," suggests:Optimism in adversityDreams left unfulfilled due to unemploymentHope for a better futureHope despite failureQuestion 17 of 2018. The line "that proudly sat on young labour's limbs in your wedding" describes:The father's youth and dreamsThe son’s aspirationsThe mother’s sacrificesThe materialism of the pastQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the overall tone of "Unemployed Hope"?SatiricalOptimisticMelancholicIndifferentQuestion 19 of 2020. Which aspect of society does the poem "Unemployed Hope" critique?Political corruptionGender inequalityEducation system and unemploymentEnvironmental degradationQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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