MCQ Chapter 24 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11Stonemasons, My Father, and Me 1. What profession is central to the poem?CarpenterStone-masonBlacksmithPotterQuestion 1 of 202. What do stone-masons give to stones according to the poem?DreamsStrengthColorsBeautyQuestion 2 of 203. Who is the speaker in the poem?The stone-masonA third-person observerThe poet himselfA customerQuestion 3 of 204. What does the poet compare the stone-masons’ work to?FireworksPlaying musicFlower arrangementsArtistryQuestion 4 of 205. What is the significance of "I scratch his elbows, his armpits" in the poem?An act of careSymbol of the speaker stepping into his father’s lifeA portrayal of struggleA metaphor for hard workQuestion 5 of 206. What instrument is mentioned in the poem?FluteHornDrumViolinQuestion 6 of 207. What is the speaker's emotional response while smoking a cheroot?JoyIndifferenceNostalgia and painAngerQuestion 7 of 208. What does the speaker carry to represent the burden of life?StonesFirewoodSandWaterQuestion 8 of 209. What does the speaker see in the chaos of the dark?His father’s bloodied rumpA stone houseDreams of stonesA burning pyreQuestion 9 of 2010. How does the poet portray the transformation of stones?As a natural processThrough artistry and effortAs an industrial activityBy neglecting its significanceQuestion 10 of 2011. What do stone-masons mix with stones in their work?CementBloodSweatSandQuestion 11 of 2012. What imagery is used to describe the women in the poem?Dancing like wavesBending like bowsStanding like treesSitting like statuesQuestion 12 of 2013. What metaphor does the poet use for carrying a load?A cartA boatA mountainA riverQuestion 13 of 2014. What does the speaker do with his father’s corpse?Bury itBurn itCarry itDecorate itQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the poet mean by “stone-masons inseminate stones”?Giving life to stonesBreaking stonesPainting stonesDestroying stonesQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the speaker break with stones?WallsHeadsWindowsFloorsQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the symbolic meaning of the speaker harnessing himself to a cart?A journeyA burdened lifeA task of joyA sign of freedomQuestion 17 of 2018. What does the speaker smoulder with while smoking?AngerMemoriesHopeExhaustionQuestion 18 of 2019. What kind of house do stone-masons build?WoodenStoneMudGlassQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the poet suggest about the lives of stone-masons?They are carefreeThey are full of miseries and toilThey are wealthyThey are unskilledQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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