MCQ Chapter 21 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11Voice of The Unwanted Girl 1. What does the “grass green sari” symbolize?HopeCelebration and indifferenceMourningA connection to natureQuestion 1 of 202. What does the “sliced pomegranate” represent?The beauty of natureThe unborn child’s brutal endA rich life unfulfilledA fruit of prosperityQuestion 2 of 203. What does “formaldehyde” symbolize in the poem?Death and preservation of memoriesHope for renewalA scientific breakthroughA cure for sufferingQuestion 3 of 204. What does the repeated phrase “Look for me, mother” indicate?A plea for love and acknowledgmentAnger at being abandonedA desire for revengeA search for justiceQuestion 4 of 205. The term “sulking” refers to:Speaking angrilySilent resentment or angerCrying softlyRunning quicklyQuestion 5 of 206. “Autopsy room” refers to:A place for preserving bodiesA room for examining dead bodiesA surgery roomA delivery roomQuestion 6 of 207. What does the word “glistened” mean?FadedShined due to wetnessDisappearedLost brightnessQuestion 7 of 208. What social evil does the poem address?Child laborDomestic violenceFemale foeticideCaste discriminationQuestion 8 of 209. What is the speaker’s final request to her mother?To seek forgiveness from GodTo find and remember herTo fight against society’s normsTo change her waysQuestion 9 of 2010. The structure of "Voice of the Unwanted Girl" is:NarrativeLyricFree verseSonnetQuestion 10 of 2011. The phrase "I smell of formaldehyde" is an example of:AlliterationMetaphorImagerySimileQuestion 11 of 2012. The repetition of “look for me” in the poem is an example of:IronyHyperboleAnaphoraMetonymyQuestion 12 of 2013. The simile “I looked like a sliced pomegranate” evokes:Beauty and eleganceBrutality and despairRichness and vibrancyDecay and preservationQuestion 13 of 2014. The line “This is not ‘God’s will’” critiques:Blind faith in religious practicesJustifications for female foeticideThe lack of belief in divine powerThe sanctity of motherhoodQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the poem challenge at its core?Modern medical ethicsGender discrimination and patriarchyUrbanization and its impactsReligious rituals and customsQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the significance of the mother dressing up in a green sari?It reflects celebration and lack of guilt.It symbolizes mourning and regret.It shows her cultural pride.It represents a connection to her first child.Question 16 of 2017. By personifying the voice of the unborn girl, the poet:Evokes sympathy and moral reflectionPromotes scientific advancementHighlights the mother’s sufferingBlames only society for its evilsQuestion 17 of 2018. The poem is written from the perspective of:A passive observerThe unborn girl childThe mother of the childThe doctor involved in foeticideQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the primary emotion conveyed by the speaker in the poem?Anger and frustrationHope and reconciliationGrief and accusationIndifference and detachmentQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the meaning of “slush” in the poem?Melting snowThick mudCold waterSoft sandQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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