MCQ Chapter 2 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11Nalanda: Ancient Seat Of Learning 1. Who was Dr. Rajendra Prasad?The second President of IndiaThe first President of IndiaA famous artistA renowned archaeologistQuestion 1 of 202. Where was Dr. Rajendra Prasad born?NalandaZeradei, BiharDelhiKolkataQuestion 2 of 203. What vision did Dr. Prasad share with Mahatma Gandhi?Social reformsThe making of a new man in societyPolitical restructuringBuilding Nalanda UniversityQuestion 3 of 204. What was Nalanda renowned for in the past?Religious pilgrimagesEducation and knowledgeArt and architectureTrade and commerceQuestion 4 of 205. Who delivered the speech "Nalanda: Ancient Seat of Learning"?Jawaharlal NehruMahatma GandhiDr. Rajendra PrasadSubhas Chandra BoseQuestion 5 of 206. Where was the speech delivered?NalandaDelhiMagadh UniversityPatnaQuestion 6 of 207. Which state government initiated the revival of Nalanda's glory?Uttar PradeshBiharBengalOdishaQuestion 7 of 208. Nalanda University dates back to the time of which religious leaders?Guru Nanak and KabirLord Buddha and Lord MahaviraJesus Christ and ConfuciusChanakya and AshokaQuestion 8 of 209. Who met Acharya Mankhila at Nalanda, according to Jain records?Lord BuddhaLord MahaviraEmperor AshokaHieun TsangQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Lepa, the rich citizen of Nalanda, do?Built a templeBecame a disciple of Lord BuddhaSponsored viharasWrote scripturesQuestion 10 of 2011. Who was Sariputra?A Chinese scholarA Tibetan monkA disciple of Lord BuddhaA Jain teacherQuestion 11 of 2012. Who expanded Sariputra's samadhi into a temple?Emperor AshokaEmperor HarshaAcharya NagarjunaHieun TsangQuestion 12 of 2013. During which era did Nalanda flourish as a university?Mauryan AgeGupta AgeMughal AgeHarappan AgeQuestion 13 of 2014. Who visited Nalanda in the 4th century AD?Fa-HienHieun TsangTaranathArya DevaQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the name 'Nalanda' signify according to a Jataka story?Abundance of peaceThe path to knowledgeA failed attempt at peaceThe wisdom of BuddhaQuestion 15 of 2016. How was Nalanda University funded initially?Government taxesCharity and donationsReligious offeringsInternational grantsQuestion 16 of 2017. Which countries' scholars came to Nalanda?China, Korea, Tibet, and MongoliaJapan, Persia, and GreeceSri Lanka, Thailand, and MyanmarEgypt, Rome, and ChinaQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Nalanda’s library known for?Rare Buddhist manuscriptsWorld-class architectureArtifacts and relicsThe study of the VedasQuestion 18 of 2019. When was the Nalanda library destroyed?4th century AD7th century AD12th century AD15th century ADQuestion 19 of 2020. What was unique about the academic approach at Nalanda?Focused solely on Buddhist textsExcluded religious prejudiceOnly taught Indian philosophyTaught in Sanskrit onlyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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