MCQ Chapter 2 English Down the Ages Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. Which language has the highest number of speakers worldwide?EnglishSpanishHindiMandarin ChineseQuestion 1 of 202. Approximately how many people speak Mandarin Chinese?309 million873 million500 million1 billionQuestion 2 of 203. English is spoken by approximately how many people?200 million873 million309 million500 millionQuestion 3 of 204. Where does English rank among languages with the highest number of speakers?FirstSecondThirdFourthQuestion 4 of 205. Which language ranks third in terms of the number of speakers worldwide?EnglishSpanishHindiArabicQuestion 5 of 206. How old is the English language approximately?500 years1500 years2000 years2500 yearsQuestion 6 of 207. The modern form of English has been around for less than:300 years500 years1000 years1500 yearsQuestion 7 of 208. Who is one of the famous literary figures associated with English literature?HomerShakespeareDanteGoetheQuestion 8 of 209. Which of the following is NOT a period in the history of English?Old EnglishMiddle EnglishEarly Modern EnglishClassical EnglishQuestion 9 of 2010. The Old English period spans from:AD 500-AD 1000AD 449-AD 1066AD 1066-AD 1500AD 1000-AD 1500Question 10 of 2011. Middle English was in use during which years?AD 1066-AD 1500AD 1150-AD 1500AD 1000-AD 1400AD 1200-AD 1600Question 11 of 2012. Which of these is the latest phase in the history of English?Old EnglishMiddle EnglishModern EnglishNew EnglishesQuestion 12 of 2013. Old English is mainly characterized by:Borrowing from LatinUse of inflectionsFrench influencesStandardized spellingQuestion 13 of 2014. Why is the Old English period referred to as the "Dark Age"?Lack of court patronage for literatureDecline in literacyWars with the FrenchDominance of other languagesQuestion 14 of 2015. Middle English literature saw significant influence from:GermanSpanishFrench and LatinChineseQuestion 15 of 2016. What invention during the Middle English period helped spread the language?TelegraphPrinting pressRadioInternetQuestion 16 of 2017. Who invented the printing press in 1476?William CaxtonJohannes GutenbergThomas EdisonAlexander BellQuestion 17 of 2018. The Great Vowel Shift occurred during which period?Old EnglishMiddle EnglishEarly Modern EnglishNew EnglishesQuestion 18 of 2019. What change did the Great Vowel Shift bring to the English language?Increased use of Latin wordsShift in vowel pronunciationIntroduction of inflectionsChange in grammar rulesQuestion 19 of 2020. When did the Modern English period begin?AD 1000AD 1150AD 1500AD 1700Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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