MCQ Chapter 17 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner 1. What does the speaker contrast his current state with?The beauty of natureHis youthful daysHis dreams for the futureHis friendshipsQuestion 1 of 202. Who are referred to as “crazy rascals” in the poem?The young men involved in rebellionThe poet’s old friendsTyrantsThe poet’s rivalsQuestion 2 of 203. What does the poet remember in the final stanza?The beauty of natureThe women he loved in his youthHis old friendsHis achievementsQuestion 3 of 204. Why does the poet "spit into the face of Time"?To express his rage at the changes time has broughtTo mock his own ageTo celebrate his youthTo defy deathQuestion 4 of 205. What does the poet lament in the poem?Lost opportunitiesThe passage of time and loss of youthSocial changesPolitical upheavalQuestion 5 of 206. What does the speaker reflect on in lines 11-12?The futility of lifeThe transience of youthThe ongoing rebellionHis connection to natureQuestion 6 of 207. What does “shelter” symbolize in the poem?Comfort in youthProtection from life’s hardshipsAvoidance of responsibilitiesA connection to natureQuestion 7 of 208. How does the speaker feel about the conspiracies of the young men?IndifferentSupportiveEnviousCritically amusedQuestion 8 of 209. What is the poet’s attitude toward his memories?BitterFond but sorrowfulCompletely detachedNostalgic but hopefulQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the main symbol of aging in the poem?The rainThe broken treeThe fireThe womenQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the meaning of “conspiracy” in the poem?A joyful gatheringA plot or schemeA group of soldiersA rebellion for peaceQuestion 11 of 2012. How does the poem’s structure contribute to its meaning?The short stanzas reflect fleeting memories and momentsThe irregular rhythm mirrors chaosThe long sentences express confusionThe rhyme scheme emphasizes joyQuestion 12 of 2013. What type of weapon is a "pike," as mentioned in the poem?A gunA spear with a pointed bladeA bow and arrowA cannonQuestion 13 of 2014. What phrase is used to express the poet’s resentment toward time?"Time heals all wounds""I spit into the face of Time""Time brings peace""Time has betrayed me"Question 14 of 2015. What does the poet compare Time to in the poem?A healerA tyrantA loverA friendQuestion 15 of 2016. How many times is the phrase "broken tree" mentioned in the poem?OnceTwiceThree timesFour timesQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the significance of the title "The Lamentation of The Old Pensioner"?It highlights the speaker’s grief about his lost youthIt celebrates the joy of retirementIt suggests political rebellionIt focuses on societal neglectQuestion 17 of 2018. What literary device is prominent in the phrase “Time that has transfigured me”?AlliterationPersonificationSimileHyperboleQuestion 18 of 2019. What do the young men’s actions in the poem symbolize?Political hopeYouthful energy and rebellionThe cycle of lifeThe importance of powerQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the poet emphasize by repeating the concept of Time?The inevitability of agingThe beauty of memoriesThe importance of rebellionThe significance of loveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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