MCQ Chapter 15 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11The Chimney Sweeper 1. Who is referred to as "our father" in the poem?The angelGodThe speaker's biological fatherTom Dacre's fatherQuestion 1 of 202. What does "never want joy" imply in the poem?Never lack happinessAlways be in painNever desire material wealthAlways perform well at workQuestion 2 of 203. What inspired Blake's sympathy for the chimney sweepers?His childhood experiencesHis mystical visionsThe plight of London chimney boysLegislation debatesQuestion 3 of 204. What literary device is used in the phrase "coffins of black"?SimileMetaphorIronyHyperboleQuestion 4 of 205. What does the poem criticize indirectly?Wealthy familiesChild labor laws of the timeReligionIndustrializationQuestion 5 of 206. What did the children do after being set free in Tom’s dream?Returned to workPlayed in the green plain and washed in the riverSought revenge on factory ownersSlept peacefullyQuestion 6 of 207. What does Tom's dream suggest about his state of mind?He is indifferent to his strugglesHe yearns for freedom and happinessHe is angry at his conditionHe is content with his lifeQuestion 7 of 208. What is the significance of the angel in Tom’s dream?It represents divine intervention and hopeIt represents the harsh reality of lifeIt is a symbol of punishmentIt represents fear of deathQuestion 8 of 209. How does the poem end?With despair about the children’s conditionWith a hopeful message about doing one’s dutyWith a call for rebellionWith an unresolved conflictQuestion 9 of 2010. What does the line “if all do their duty, they need not fear harm” convey?A belief in divine justiceA sense of resignationA critique of the authoritiesA warning to the childrenQuestion 10 of 2011. What does “rise upon clouds” in the poem symbolize?DeathSpiritual elevationA storm approachingA child’s imaginationQuestion 11 of 2012. What effect did Tom’s dream have on him?It made him more resentfulIt gave him hope and courage to workIt confused himIt made him want to escapeQuestion 12 of 2013. What literary form is "The Chimney Sweeper"?A dramatic monologueA lyric poemA balladAn epicQuestion 13 of 2014. What aspect of society is criticized in "The Chimney Sweeper"?Lack of educationExploitation of childrenUrban developmentLoss of traditional valuesQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the term "a-sleeping" in the poem indicate?A stylistic choice to reflect the period's languageThe child’s habit of sleeping oftenA modern linguistic twistThe inability to sleep due to harsh conditionsQuestion 15 of 2016. What does “bags left behind” symbolize in Tom’s dream?Material possessionsRelease from burdens and laborThe children’s belongingsNeglect by societyQuestion 16 of 2017. Which other group took an interest in the plight of chimney sweepers, as mentioned in the text?Religious leadersPoliticians like David PorterWealthy aristocratsTrade unionsQuestion 17 of 2018. Why was legislation being considered for chimney sweepers?To regulate their wagesTo stop the exploitation of child laborTo increase factory productivityTo improve industrial efficiencyQuestion 18 of 2019. What imagery does Blake use to depict freedom in the poem?Angels, green plains, rivers, and cloudsCastles, kings, and golden thronesSunsets, stars, and moonlightFlowers, bees, and butterfliesQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the phrase “in tune with the infinite” mean in the context of the poem?Being musically talentedFinding peace and harmony with GodDreaming of endless wealthLosing oneself in fantasyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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