MCQ Chapter 11 The Three Vows Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What language does Gandhi suggest Azad write in?GujaratiPunjabiEnglish or any language he knowsHindiQuestion 1 of 202. What does Gandhi advise Azad to avoid using in his writing?Local dialectsBig words and unnecessary punsDirect translationsSimple expressionsQuestion 2 of 203. How does Gandhi refer to untouchables in the text?DalitHarijanOutcastsPoor soulsQuestion 3 of 204. What does Gandhi believe about the Christian idea of sin?It is different from Indian philosophy.It aligns with Indian Shastras.It is outdated.It promotes guilt.Question 4 of 205. What was Uka's significant contribution to the Ashram?Teaching spinningCleaning latrines and cookingWriting storiesSupervising constructionQuestion 5 of 206. What does Gandhi say about the English and their attire?They adjust their clothes to the Indian climate.They are insensitive to the Indian climate.They dress minimally in India.They always wear dhotis in India.Question 6 of 207. What time is the midday meal served at the Ashram?12:00 PM12:30 PM1:00 PM1:30 PMQuestion 7 of 208. What does Gandhi expect everyone in the Ashram to do at 5 AM?MeditateWalk with him on the dry bed of the SabarmatiClean the AshramStart spinning yarnQuestion 8 of 209. Why does Azad find it difficult to wear Indian clothes?He is not used to them.They don’t fit him properly.He associates them with poverty.He feels embarrassed.Question 9 of 2010. What is the significance of the mud pack on Gandhi’s stomach?For relaxationFor health purposesTo cool down his body temperatureAs a daily ritualQuestion 10 of 2011. What does Gandhi consider a sin according to the Shastras?Disobeying eldersEating non-vegetarian foodSex outside marriageDrinking alcoholQuestion 11 of 2012. Why does Gandhi disapprove of Azad’s writing style?It uses an archaic approach.It is insincere and not reflective of real life.It glorifies untouchables unrealistically.It is overly complex for common readers.Question 12 of 2013. What does Gandhi say about Krishan from the Gita?He only represented love.He advised control of senses and righteousness.He was a god of war.He symbolized beauty.Question 13 of 2014. What is Gandhi’s instruction to Acharya Gorkha after his rude behavior?Apologize publiclyMeditate in isolationFast for a dayLeave the AshramQuestion 14 of 2015. What punishment does Gandhi suggest for violating the rules of the Ashram?Physical laborExpulsion from the AshramFastingWriting a confessionQuestion 15 of 2016. Who does Azad compare himself to when he rolls up his trousers?GandhiT.S. Eliot’s PrufrockA British officerA local farmerQuestion 16 of 2017. What does Gandhi emphasize about writing in a novel?It should cater to a global audience.It must truthfully reflect the lives of the poor.It should include satirical elements.It should mimic Western styles.Question 17 of 2018. What was Azad’s primary reason for choosing English as his medium?His English novels could get published in London.He was uncomfortable with his native language.He wanted to cater to an elite audience.He followed British traditions.Question 18 of 2019. Who inspired Gandhi to write simply?Mahadev DesaiA Quaker friend in LondonRabindranath TagoreHis motherQuestion 19 of 2020. What was Gandhi’s criticism of Azad’s depiction of Harijans?It was too exaggerated.It used language that Harijans wouldn’t naturally use.It ignored their struggles.It glorified their hardships unrealistically.Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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