MCQ Chapter 1 How English Began Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. The Anglo-Saxon term "Engle" was derived from which group?JutesAnglesCeltsRomansQuestion 1 of 202. Who were the original inhabitants of England before the Anglo-Saxon invasion?AnglesCeltsSaxonsRomansQuestion 2 of 203. The Anglo-Saxons primarily used what type of language?RomanceGermanicCelticSino-TibetanQuestion 3 of 204. The language term "Englisc" originated from which people?Anglo-SaxonsCeltsRomansNormansQuestion 4 of 205. The ancient Indo-European language family includes languages from:Europe and AsiaAfricaThe AmericasOceaniaQuestion 5 of 206. English is classified under which branch of the Indo-European languages?CelticRomanceGermanicSlavicQuestion 6 of 207. The Anglo-Saxons began settling in England in which century?3rd century4th century5th century6th centuryQuestion 7 of 208. The language term "Englisc" was derived from which language?CelticLatinOld EnglishAnglo-SaxonQuestion 8 of 209. Which term was used to refer to England by the Anglo-Saxons?EnglalandAnglecynnWealasTeutonicQuestion 9 of 2010. By AD 1000, what name replaced "Anglecynn"?SaxonyGermaniaEnglalandBrittaniaQuestion 10 of 2011. "Anglecynn" is a term used for:The land of the AnglesThe language of the JutesA term for foreignersThe English peopleQuestion 11 of 2012. The "roots" of English are connected to which language family?Sino-TibetanAfro-AsiaticIndo-EuropeanUralicQuestion 12 of 2013. Which language did not belong to the ancient Indo-European family?SanskritLatinChineseGreekQuestion 13 of 2014. The term "Teutonic" refers to languages that are:GermanicRomanceSlavicCelticQuestion 14 of 2015. The Indo-European language family includes languages spoken in:North AmericaEurope and parts of AsiaSouth AmericaOceaniaQuestion 15 of 2016. The Anglo-Saxons spoke a language that is an ancestor of:Modern SpanishModern EnglishModern ArabicModern ChineseQuestion 16 of 2017. "Engle" refers to:A tribeA languageA cityA countryQuestion 17 of 2018. The primary reason for Anglo-Saxon migration to England was:ExplorationInvasionTradeEducationQuestion 18 of 2019. "Anglecynn" was a term meaning:ForeignersAngle-kinLand of the AnglesLanguage of the AnglesQuestion 19 of 2020. The Germanic languages that influenced English came primarily from:Northern AfricaNorth and West EuropeEastern AsiaSouthern EuropeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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