MCQ Chapter 1 How English Began Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. The English language is considered much "younger" than which language?SpanishSanskritFrenchArabicQuestion 1 of 202. Which tribes are credited with bringing the English language to England?Celts and RomansAngles, Saxons, and JutesNormans and VikingsGreeks and RomansQuestion 2 of 203. The Anglo-Saxons were originally from which region?North and West EuropeSouth AmericaEastern AsiaNorthern AfricaQuestion 3 of 204. The Germanic tribes that invaded England belonged to which family of languages?SemiticIndo-EuropeanSino-TibetanAfro-AsiaticQuestion 4 of 205. In the Anglo-Saxon period, the English language was known as:LatinEngliscFrancGaelicQuestion 5 of 206. What did the natives of England call the Germanic invaders?SaxonsCeltsRomansAnglesQuestion 6 of 207. "Engle" is the Old English name for which tribe?JutesAnglesCeltsSaxonsQuestion 7 of 208. The name "Anglecynn" referred to:The country of the AnglesThe land of the CeltsThe land of the JutesThe race of the AnglesQuestion 8 of 209. Around what year did "Englaland" start to replace "Anglecynn"?AD 500AD 700AD 1000AD 1200Question 9 of 2010. The word "Englaland" eventually evolved into:EnglandFranceScotlandWalesQuestion 10 of 2011. What did the Anglo-Saxons call the natives of England?WealasEngliscJutesRomansQuestion 11 of 2012. The language brought by the Anglo-Saxons is part of which linguistic branch?RomanceGermanicCelticSemiticQuestion 12 of 2013. Through which group does English connect to the ancient Indo-European languages?GermanicRomanceSlavicCelticQuestion 13 of 2014. The term "Anglecynn" directly translates to:Land of the AnglesRace of the AnglesLanguage of the AnglesKin of the CeltsQuestion 14 of 2015. The Anglo-Saxons originally came from present-day:Italy, France, and GreeceDenmark, Germany, and HollandSpain, Portugal, and IrelandNorway, Sweden, and FinlandQuestion 15 of 2016. The word "Englaland" is derived from which tribe's name?JutesCeltsAnglesSaxonsQuestion 16 of 2017. The Indo-European family of languages includes:English and FrenchSanskrit, Latin, and GreekHebrew and ArabicChinese and JapaneseQuestion 17 of 2018. English is not directly descended from which of these language families?Indo-EuropeanRomanceGermanicTeutonicQuestion 18 of 2019. The Germanic or Teutonic languages were closely related to:Romance languagesIndo-European languagesSlavic languagesSemitic languagesQuestion 19 of 2020. The Anglo-Saxon term for "foreigners" was:WealasEngliscAnglecynnSaxonsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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