Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 11
Short Questions with Answers
1. What did the old lady do in Petrograd?
Answer : She walked in the middle of the street, creating problems for the traffic.
2. Why did the old lady refuse to use the pavement?
Answer : She said she had liberty and could walk wherever she wanted.
3. What does the author mean by “rule of the road” ?
Answer : It means following rules to ensure safety and freedom for everyone.
4. Why did the policeman at Piccadilly Circus stop traffic?
Answer : He stopped traffic to ensure order and safety for all road users.
5. What did the author struggle with on the train?
Answer : He couldn’t read his book because a passenger talked loudly about war.
6. What is an example of personal liberty given by the author?
Answer : Playing a trombone on top of a mountain is personal liberty because it bothers no one.
7. What happens if there are no rules?
Answer : Without rules, there would be confusion and chaos.
8. What did the author say about small nations?
Answer : He believed small nations’ rights are as important as those of individuals.
9. What does the author say about noisy gramophones?
Answer : Playing them loudly disturbs neighbors and interferes with their peace.
10. What is social liberty?
Answer : Social liberty is when everyone adjusts their actions to respect others’ rights.
11. Why is it important to curtail liberty sometimes?
Answer : Curtailing liberty ensures safety and allows everyone to live peacefully.
12. What is personal liberty?
Answer : It is the freedom to do what you like as long as it does not harm others.
13. What did the author say about respecting neighbors?
Answer : He said we should avoid disturbing them with loud music or noise.
14. How did the old lady misuse liberty?
Answer : She caused traffic problems by walking in the middle of the road.
15. Why does the author compare noisy people to bullies?
Answer : They trample on others’ rights, just like bullies take advantage of others.
16. How does the author describe social conduct?
Answer : Social conduct means being considerate of others’ feelings and rights.
17. What does the author say about individual choices?
Answer : Choices like wearing funny clothes are fine if they don’t bother others.
18. Why does the author talk about Belgium?
Answer : To show how trampling others’ rights is like invading a country.
19. What makes society civilized, according to the essay?
Answer : Following rules and being polite show that a society is civilized.
20. What two types of liberty does the author mention?
Answer : He mentions personal liberty and social liberty.
Medium Questions with Answers
1. Why did the old lady walking in the street create trouble?
Answer : The old lady ignored the pavement, saying she had liberty. This caused traffic jams and was dangerous for her and others. Her actions showed how misuse of liberty can create problems.
2. What does the author mean by “liberty is a social contract” ?
Answer : Liberty is not just about personal freedom but about respecting others’ rights too. For example, following traffic rules helps everyone move safely. It is about balancing individual and collective needs.
3. Why couldn’t the author read on the train?
Answer : A loud passenger talked nonstop about war and politics in a pompous voice. His noise disturbed everyone in the carriage and forced the author to stop reading. This shows how thoughtless behavior affects others.
4. What is the lesson in the trombone example?
Answer : Playing a trombone loudly in public disturbs others, so it should be done privately. The author uses this example to explain that personal liberty must not harm social peace.
5. Why is the policeman at Piccadilly Circus important?
Answer : The policeman symbolizes order. He may stop your car for a moment, but this ensures everyone’s safety and freedom on the road.
6. What does the author say about respecting others’ rights?
Answer : Respecting others’ rights and feelings helps maintain peace. Actions like loud noise or reckless driving show selfishness and disturb social harmony.
7. Why does the author criticize noisy motorists?
Answer : Motorists who use loud horns disturb everyone unnecessarily. Their behavior shows a lack of respect for others and creates public discomfort.
8. What is the danger of unchecked liberty?
Answer : When people misuse liberty, it creates chaos. For example, walking in the middle of the street or playing loud music disturbs others and causes problems.
9. What does the title “The Rule of the Road” mean?
Answer : It means following rules that balance personal freedom and public order. These rules help people live together peacefully.
10. What makes a society civilized?
Answer : A society is civilized when people respect rules and care for others’ rights. Politeness and small, thoughtful actions create harmony and show civilization.
11. How does the author describe true liberty?
Answer : True liberty is not unlimited freedom. It is about balancing personal actions with the responsibility of respecting others’ rights.
12. Why is the gramophone example important?
Answer : The example shows that playing loud music in your home can disturb your neighbors. It explains that personal enjoyment must not harm others’ peace.
13. What does the author say about mutual respect?
Answer : Mutual respect is essential for harmony. It means being aware of how your actions affect others, like keeping noise low or following traffic rules.
14. Why does the author mention social behavior?
Answer : He says small actions, like being polite and following rules, make society better. These habits build respect and peace.
15. What is the message of the essay?
Answer : The essay teaches that freedom comes with responsibility. Respecting rules and others’ rights is essential for a peaceful and fair society.
Long Questions with Answers
1. What does “The Rule of the Road” mean, and why is it important?
Answer : “The Rule of the Road” means limiting personal liberty for public safety and order. For example, pedestrians should use pavements, and vehicles must obey traffic rules. These rules prevent confusion and chaos. The old lady walking in the middle of the street caused trouble by ignoring this. The author explains that following such rules helps everyone live peacefully.
2. What are personal and social liberty, and how are they balanced?
Answer : Personal liberty is doing what you like without disturbing others, like wearing funny clothes. Social liberty means respecting others’ rights, such as keeping noise low. The author explains that both liberties must work together. For example, playing a trombone loudly in public disturbs neighbors, but playing it in a private space is fine. Balancing these ensures harmony.
3. What does the author say about misuse of liberty?
Answer : The old lady and loud train passenger are examples of misusing liberty. The lady walking in the street caused chaos, and the passenger disturbed everyone with his loud voice. The author shows that such selfish actions harm others. Misusing liberty creates disorder and takes away others’ freedom.
4. Why are rules important in society?
Answer : Rules, like traffic regulations or noise limits, keep order and protect everyone’s freedom. Without them, people’s liberties would clash, causing chaos. The policeman, the trombone player, and the gramophone owner show how rules balance personal actions and public needs. Following rules is essential for a peaceful society.
5. What does the author say about thoughtless actions?
Answer : Thoughtless actions, like loud noises or careless driving, disturb others’ peace. They show a lack of respect for social harmony. The author argues that being considerate is essential for building a civilized society. Small, mindful acts create mutual respect and make life better for everyone.
6. Why is mutual respect important?
Answer : Mutual respect helps balance personal freedom with others’ rights. The train passenger and gramophone examples show how selfish actions harm others. By respecting others’ space and feelings, we create peace. This respect is the foundation of a civilized society.
7. What is social conduct, and why is it important?
Answer : Social conduct means being aware of how your actions affect others. It includes being polite, following rules, and reducing noise. These small, everyday actions build trust and harmony. The author believes such habits are more important than rare acts of heroism. Social conduct makes society better.
8. What lesson does the essay give for modern times?
Answer : The essay teaches the importance of balancing freedom with responsibility. Issues like noise pollution, road safety, and mutual respect are still relevant today. Following rules and respecting others ensure harmony in today’s crowded and busy world.
9. What does the essay teach about human behavior?
Answer : It shows that people often misuse freedom and ignore how their actions affect others. The essay emphasizes that true liberty comes from balancing personal needs with respect for others. Thoughtfulness and following rules lead to a better society.
10. How does the author use humor and examples in the essay?
Answer : The author uses humor, like the old lady’s story, to make his message interesting. Real-life examples like traffic rules, noisy passengers, and gramophones explain his points clearly. This mix of humor and serious lessons makes the essay engaging and easy to understand.
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