Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 11
Short Questions with Answers
1. Who is the poet of the poem “Unemployed Hope”?
Answer : Umeshwar Prasad is the poet of the poem.
2. What is the main theme of the poem?
Answer : The poem focuses on the pain and frustration of unemployment.
3. What does the speaker dream of buying for his father?
Answer : He dreams of buying a Maharaja dhoti and a silken Kurta.
4. How many years did the speaker wait for a job?
Answer : The speaker waited for four years without a job.
5. What is meant by “fairy salary” in the poem?
Answer : “Fairy salary” refers to the dream of earning money through a job.
6. What does the speaker’s father do when he talks about his dreams?
Answer : His father’s eyes fill with tears of joy and gratitude.
7. What happens to the speaker’s mother in the poem?
Answer : The speaker’s mother dies after sharing her wishes.
8. What did the father cherish in his wedding?
Answer : He cherished wearing a Maharaja dhoti and a silken Kurta.
9. What kind of democracy does the speaker mention?
Answer : The speaker mentions an “unproviding democracy.”
10. Why does the speaker’s mother have a “dotted voice”?
Answer : She has a dotted voice because she is very weak and near death.
11. What does “smouldering lead” in the eyes symbolize?
Answer : It symbolizes pain, sorrow, and frustration.
12. Why does the speaker call himself “utterly jobless”?
Answer : He calls himself jobless because he could not find work even after many attempts.
13. What emotion does the poem mainly show?
Answer : The poem shows the speaker’s sadness and frustration.
14. What does “unemployed fancies” refer to?
Answer : It refers to the speaker’s dreams that never became real because he is jobless.
15. What has “lapsed in transaction” according to the speaker?
Answer : The dream of buying clothes for his father has lapsed because he remains unemployed.
Medium Questions with Answers
1. How does the poem express the frustration of the unemployed youth?
Answer : The poem shows how the speaker’s dreams have faded due to being jobless. He feels sad and helpless after years of trying. His dreams remain unfulfilled, causing pain.
2. What is the significance of the title “Unemployed Hope”?
Answer : The title shows the hope of getting a job but never achieving it. It reflects the speaker’s hopelessness despite dreaming. The word “hope” feels empty because it is never fulfilled.
3. Why does the speaker mention buying a Maharaja dhoti and silken Kurta?
Answer : The speaker wants to show love to his father by buying these special clothes. He feels proud to give back, but he remains jobless. It shows how he couldn’t fulfill his promises.
4. What role does the father play in the poem?
Answer : The father represents love and hope for the speaker. He dreams with his son and supports him emotionally. His tears show pride, but also sadness when the dreams are not fulfilled.
5. Why does the speaker mention “four secular years”?
Answer : He mentions it to show the long wait for a job in a democracy that doesn’t provide opportunities. The term “secular” emphasizes fairness, but he still suffers without work.
6. How does the speaker describe his mother’s final hours?
Answer : The speaker describes his mother’s weak, “dotted” voice. She talks about the Maharaja dhoti and Kurta, showing her hopes. It is a sad moment because she knows the dreams may never come true.
7. What does the phrase “smouldering lead in my eyes” mean?
Answer : It means the speaker’s eyes are filled with pain and burning sadness. It shows how much he suffers emotionally. The phrase represents his deep frustration.
8. How does the poem reflect the problems in society?
Answer : The poem reflects the lack of jobs and support for educated youth. It shows how even hard-working people struggle. The speaker’s pain highlights the failure of the system.
9. Why does the speaker say “your hands have gone off his head for good”?
Answer : The speaker means that his father has passed away. He feels alone now because his father is no longer there to support him. This adds to his sadness.
10. What is the meaning of “loyalism for life” and “starved protest”?
Answer : “Loyalism for life” means staying loyal even when life is hard. “Starved protest” means he has no strength left to fight against his struggles. It shows his hopelessness.
Long Questions with Answers
1. How does the poem show the emotional pain of the unemployed?
Answer : The poem shows emotional pain through the speaker’s unfulfilled dreams and promises. He wants to buy special clothes for his father but remains jobless. His mother’s final words add to the sadness. He feels like a failure, and the burning in his eyes symbolizes deep pain. His hopelessness is clear in every line.
2. What does the dream of buying a Maharaja dhoti and silken Kurta symbolize?
Answer : The dream symbolizes the speaker’s desire to give back to his father and show gratitude. It represents love, respect, and pride. But because he is jobless, the dream fades. This shows how unemployment stops people from fulfilling even small wishes. It highlights the pain of broken promises.
3. How does the poem criticize the system or society?
Answer : The poem criticizes the society and system that fail to provide jobs for educated youth. It shows that even in a democracy, the speaker feels abandoned. He waited for four years but found no job. The poem shows the suffering caused by a system that doesn’t support its people. It reflects the frustration of many unemployed people.
4. What role do the speaker’s parents play in the poem?
Answer : The speaker’s parents represent love, hope, and disappointment. His father dreams with him and cries tears of pride. His mother talks about the special clothes in her final hours. They both believed in the speaker’s dreams, but they see his struggles. Their presence shows the emotional burden on the speaker.
5. How does the speaker’s dream of success change throughout the poem?
Answer : At first, the speaker dreams of success and promises to buy gifts for his father. He is hopeful and excited about finding a job. But as time passes, he becomes hopeless and sad. His dream fades as he realizes he may never fulfill his promise. This shows how unemployment crushes hope over time.
6. How does the poem use imagery to show sadness and frustration?
Answer : The poem uses strong imagery like “smouldering lead” to show burning pain in the speaker’s eyes. The “dotted voice” of the mother shows weakness and sadness. The mention of tears and unfulfilled dreams adds to the sorrow. The faded dream of the Maharaja dhoti and Kurta symbolizes lost hope. All these images create a picture of deep frustration and emotional pain.
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